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211 Virginia
2-1-1 Virginia is a free service that connects citizens to local resources and information.
Families First
The Virginia Department of Social Services operates a Child Protective Services Hotline (CPS) 24 hours and seven days a week to receive reports of child abuse and neglect. Support is also available to assist with adult abuse, family violence and sexual assault.
Visit our Ask Us page to submit questions or inquire about individual information regarding benefits, child support or other topics.
Child Support Offices
Are you looking for Assisted Living Facility Guidance or FAQs?
211 Virginia
The Virginia Department of Social Services develops and administers programs that provide timely and accurate income support benefits and employment services to families and individuals in the Commonwealth. These programs assist citizens as they transition from dependency on public assistance programs to self-sufficiency.
Families First
Do you need help applying for cash, food and/or medical assistance?
211 Virginia
Are you looking for child care or need help with child care costs? Call 866-KIDS-TLC or find out more
Child Support Offices
Looking for Child Support answers and FAQs? You can also email or visit the 24-hour online payment and case information portal
If you need help and couldn't find the information you need on the website, or need to speak with someone directly, visit the Contact Us page to reach out.
Need help offsetting your home energy expenses?
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(800) 828-1120, or 711
